Respect for the Art – I’m sometimes amazed at what I hear/read from people who supposedly train in BJJ. Some people don’t even know the full history and origins of BJJ. (Yeah, these people actually exist.) Others believe it to be the “end all, be all” of Martial Arts styles and tend to knock other styles. (No style is complete regardless of what some people might say.) Some even use it to bully weaker people. (An instructor worth anything knows how to weed out those who would use BJJ to deliberately harm others.) There is a simple remedy if you wish to honor your chosen style: KNOW YOUR STUFF. BE OPENMINDED. DON’T BE A JERK.

Respect for Instructors and Senior Students – Look, it’s awesome when you’ve got an instructor who you can consider as a friend, but always keep in mind when and where that kind of behavior is appropriate. On the mats, he should be considered your instructor first and foremost. It’s one thing if they encourage the class to be a little less rigid, but don’t go assuming that means you can goof off. Your instructor has earned the right to share their knowledge…

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